Sunday, October 26, 2008

McCain attacks Obama's tax plans

Republican presidential candidate John McCain has again attacked his rival's policy of re-distributing wealth, saying the middle class would suffer.

Mr McCain told supporters in the western state of New Mexico that his plan was to create jobs for Americans.

But Democratic rival Barack Obama said tax cuts would be put "into the pockets of 95% of working families".

He said Mr McCain sought to distance himself from failed Bush administration policies he had backed for years.

With just a week of full campaigning left, polls put Mr Obama ahead overall.

A poll for Newsweek put Mr Obama at 53% support and McCain at 40%.

NBC News reported that Mr Obama was now leading in enough states to put him over the 270 electoral college votes needed to win the presidency.

We've seen that movie before in other countries. That's not America

John McCain

Mr McCain began his weekend campaigning in New Mexico, a state won by the Republicans in 2004 but which could be key in the 4 November presidential vote.

He admitted he was a few points down, but told the rally "don't give up hope".

"Stand up and fight. America's worth fighting for."

Attempting to distance himself from President George W Bush, Mr McCain said: "We cannot spend the next four years as we have much of the last eight, hoping for our luck to change at home and abroad."

Mr Obama has proposed a tax increase on the 5% of taxpayers who make more than $250,000 a year and advocates tax cuts for those who make less.

"He [Obama] believes in redistributing wealth. That means taking money from one group of Americans and giving it to another. We've seen that movie before in other countries. That's not America," the Republican senator said.

He said 50% of small businesses - and their 16 million employees - would feel the impact of Democrat tax rises, to pay for nearly $1 trillion of new government spending proposed by Mr Obama.

Do you believe Obama has a sound economic plan? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

ross is king


Anonymous said...

Yes, I belief that Barack Obama has an economic plan.
I read in this blog and hear in his debate that he plan is,
take money from a group of people to give to the one that need it. One of he solution is not charge tax to the people that earn less than $200,000 per years. I think this is a good solution. Because more money the people have more thinks they going to buy and that money go to the goverment.

-Rafael Consuegra

Anonymous said...

yes, i think because
if he raise taxes to
sertain people the
economy will grow up.
and what they get from
that people can give to
someone who have less
money it can help to support
their family.


Anonymous said...

yes, i believe Obama has an economic plan because he is making up a tax plan for the people saying that people that make more than 250 000 dollars has to pay more than people that makes less because if the rich give more money the economy will become better sooner.

Kern Oliver,
Don't Play.

Anonymous said...

yes i think that obama has a sound economic plan... Giving money to the needed citizens and taking it from wealthy citizens... i think this is good because its helping the people and not hurting others

arielle lopez

Anonymous said...

Honestly they both have a plan and i feel its how they follow through with it. But Obamas plan is more efficeint and doable. As I read in the blog McCain is so worried about what Obamas doing that he is slacking in his own campaign, so by doin that i feel Obama is more likely to stay focused and follow through with his plans.

~~Malika Franklin~~

Anonymous said...

Just by reading the blog, and listening candite Obama's responses to the debate we can recognize that he is elaborating a plan to create more changes in the economy.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I belief that Obama has economic plan, he have decided that taking money from a group who can afford to the group that needs it.Obama is thinking about the poor people who needs it and i agree with it.we need changes in the economy, this will be a good change. McMain trying to find everything to pull Obama down .he has no choice because its coming to an end of an election and trying to find Obama's weakness.

JAmiLA LofTOn!!!

Anonymous said...

yes, i agree that Obama has an economic plan to help our economy making a tax plan for people who need to pay more tax then others and i belief that this is gonna be a good change.

Cristal Acosta_

Anonymous said...

I think Barack Obama has a nice and well thought out plan to fix the united states economy. In his statement he says that people that earns less then 200,000 a year will not be taxed. I think this is a good plan beacuse it puts money into america's stock market and helps it get back on its feet.

Ramell Pearson

Anonymous said...

i believe that obamas plan to take money from the wealthy and give it to the less fortunate will backfire, a lot of people will disagree with this plan. wealthy people work hard and shouldnt ave their money taken away from them

Edith Santiago

Anonymous said...

I think he does have a sound economic plan because even though he's going to raise taxes, he's doing it for a great cause. This cause does not include war issues, which is the bright side. Moreover he's thinking more about families and the people, which is what a democracy is all about.

Lisenny Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

I believe Obama truly has a sound economic plan and is here only for major changes. His way of proposing a tax increase on the 5% of taxpayers who make more than $250,000 a year is a great example of what his spending tax plans are. He knows that a person who makes a whole lot of money per year is able to afford to pay back a 5%.

Liliany Rodriguez