Saturday, October 4, 2008

NY mayor in push for third term

The mayor of New York has caused a major political upset by asking for a law preventing him from running for re-election to be overturned.

Billionaire businessman Michael Bloomberg is due to stand down from the high-profile job after his second term in office at the end of next year.

But he said the financial crisis on Wall Street and his record as mayor meant he deserved the chance to re-run.

Voters have approved previous moves to limit officials to two terms in office.

Rumours that Mr Bloomberg would reverse his previous support for term limits and try to run again had been swirling around City Hall for weeks.

If the voters don't like what they've seen they will vote for someone else, and that's as it should be

Michael Bloomberg

But in what looks like a co-ordinated effort, the powerful speaker of New York City Council, Christine Quinn, said she would introduce legislation early next week.

Twice during the 1990s, voters voiced their support for limiting city politicians to just eight years in office.

The council has the power to change the rules, and given that many members are approaching the end of their own second four-year terms, it looks likely that the mayor will get his way.

Do you believe Mayor Bloomberg should have the chance to run again? Why or why not? Or do you believe that he is overiding the rules of American democracy?


Anonymous said...

I believe that Bloomberg should not get the chance to run for a 3rd term. If the US stresses the right of equality and seperation of powers and also the rights of everyone then fair is fair! If people cannot bend or brake the law what should make him any different? These rules were made for a purpose and who is he to say he wants to change it?


Anonymous said...

Honestly i feel two ways about this issue. I believe that you can not break the rules for one person and apply the rules for a different person. Another way i feel is that Bloomberg has help us when we needed it the most. and if the state of NY feels that he can help us in a time in need then so be it.

Ramell Pearson

Anonymous said...

I believe that Bloomberg should have another chance.
In my opinion Mr. Bloomberg is doing a good job.
In the last 7 years the crime of NYC have a great develop.
Mike Bloomberg is the one that could really help as in this
crisis. No bodyelse could be more prepare for this than Bloomberg. Rule have a purpose, but if is going to be broken for a good reason. Then there is no problem with it.

-Rafael Consuegra

Anonymous said...

i think that bloomber
should not run again for
an other term because he
already pass 2 terms and
he didn't do anything for
New York and because he
cannot brake rules that
alredy esist.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Mayor Bloomberg should have the chance to again because Rules or Rules and fair is fair and its not like he didn't do a good job he did but your time its up !

Anonymous said...

I don't think Mayor Bloomberg should have the chance to again because Rules or Rules and fair is fair and its not like he didn't do a good job he did but your time its up !

-Erick Ortiz

Anonymous said...

I believe that mayor Bloomberg should not run foe mayor again at the end of next year. I say this because at the time he been mayor, a lot of thing been going wrong in our nation,9 11,war.he mad it hard for people to get into shelters,etc. He should back down and let somebody else take over.

Anonymous said...

I agree with malika that he shouldn't get a thrid chance, because is not good for a country to have many times the same mayor. change is good, and other people should have the opportunity of electing for mayor.

Daliz Rivas!!

Anonymous said...

I think that Bloomberg should not have the chance to run again because he ready do what he was going to do and is not fair for others that realy can helps or do something for our city...

Cristal acosta._

Anonymous said...

I don't think that Bloomberg have another chance to run for a 3rd term.In my opinion is enougth.We have to give a chance at people new,different.We need more people who can do more for us,like people youngest who worry for us and for people who really need help.

Liliany Rodriguez

Anonymous said...

I think that mayor bloomberg should have the right to run again.If the people believe that he will be of great help with the problems we are faing today i think he should stay and fight


Anonymous said...

i believe that Bloomberg should not get anymore chances to run for mayor again.if the law say that you can only run two terms then thats it.He doesn't have the right to be mayor again not because he's a mayor he dont have to by the laws .Everybody must go by the laws.

Anonymous said...

i believe that Bloomberg should not get anymore chances to run for mayor again.if the law say that you can only run two terms then thats it.He doesn't have the right to be mayor again not because he's a mayor he dont have to by the laws .Everybody must go by the laws.


Anonymous said...

I feel that he should and should not, he should because he had help us out many times showing that he cares about others and wants the best for everyone, he also should not run again because there are rules that states you can only run a certain amount of time and he should not break it no matter how good he was before and those rules apply to him as well as others.

Kern Oliver,

Don't Play MAYOR.

Anonymous said...

I think that he should have the right to extend the term limits due to the fact that he has some "unfinished" work to do. I think that he should be given the chance to prove that extending term limits may not be such a bad thing. And no i do not think he's overriding the riles of democracy. I thnk its simply just change.

Lisenny Rodriguez